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The Compass & the Force Multiplier

I am very proud to have completed my certification as "Team Coaching Foundations Certified Coach" with the Global Team Coaching Institute (GTCI).

What led me to do that?

1. Investing in myself.

Like any craft, #coaching requires constant learning, growth and questioning. Acquiring new skills allows me to stay on the top of my game, bring the best value to the clients I work with... and have fun doing it :)

2. Expanding my reach as an Executive Coach.

We often define coaching as helping our clients to have an increased, renewed impact on their lives, choices, gain greater clarity on their direction (and how to get there!), solve challenges. What a better way to make these benefits not reaching 1 but several persons at the same time?

That's what #teamcoaching is about: a compass, a force multiplier in a world where Teams and Organizations can be complex, unpredictable and sometimes messy!

Here is to 2022, the year of the Tiger!

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