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HR Consulting & Advisory

Create employee experiences that help your business innovate and nurture potential 

Create employee experiences that propel your business towards innovation and growth. When employees are recognized and developed, with a clear sense of inclusion, their commitment and job satisfaction significantly improve.


This approach leads to increased revenue, enhanced productivity, higher customer satisfaction, better innovation, and reduced turnover.

Claire Kolly from, professional coaching and HR consulting expert in Singapore
Some of our Clients and Partners

Do you experience any of the following HR challenges?

Establishing sustainable HR practices in Singapore and beyond, such as best in class HR practices for SMEs or corporate HR strategy, is essential in promoting company values. This helps address critical challenges and showcases the tangible impact of people investments.

Are you struggling to attract and retain the talent needed to thrive, innovate, and develop your business?

Do you have a disjointed employee experience that hinders your status as an employer of choice?

Do you find it challenging to demonstrate the tangible results of investing in your people?

Do you need help integrating the “S” in ESG into your company’s approach?

Are you dealing with HR processes that don’t fully support agility, exceptional leadership, and company values?

Achieve sustainable business success with our HR Consulting services

We help you strategize and implement progressive and sustainable HR best practices, ensuring a comprehensive employee experience. We guide you to become not just an employer of choice, but a business that stands out in its commitment to growth and sustainability.

Align and Engage with Impact: Define, communicate, and embed core values that resonate with your team. Our leadership development and HR consulting programs strengthen employees' sense of belonging and boost their commitment to your organizational goals.

Attract, Develop and Retain Top Talent: From the initial contact to the last touch point, our HR strategies provide opportunities at every stage of an employee's career, improving business outcomes. Our services foster a culture of agile growth and sustained skill development.

Embrace Cultural Diversity: Smoothly navigate and embrace cultural diversity within your teams. Our HR consulting services help in fostering collaboration, communication, and innovation, leading to increased employee satisfaction and reduced workplace frictions.

Embed Sustainable and Socially Responsible HR Practices: Utilize your HR strategy as a powerful tool to engage your organization at all levels and achieve Ecovadis or B-Corp certifications. Be a force for good!


Read our clients' success stories

"I never knew how powerful and valuable coaching was until working with Claire!"

Claire coached me as part of the Climate Launchpad programme. I never knew how powerful and valuable coaching was until working with Claire!

I greatly valued her support, especially as trying to make positive changes in the face of climate change can sometimes feel lonely and like an uphill struggle.

You can trust Claire to listen and give sound advice. I felt very supported by Claire as I developed an idea into a viable green business. She never handed me ‘off the shelf’ solutions, but pointed me in the right direction so I could find my own answers. When I needed her direct suggestions she gave sound advice from her 20+ years of experience.


The green economy can greatly benefit from Claire’s skills! I sincerely hope to work with Claire again in the future.


Kate, Entrepreneur & Director, Zeroverse

How we work together to start your HR or leadership development transformation?

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher


Initial Contact

We set an introductory meeting to better understand your context, needs and objectives.

Based on this, we will confirm if we can support you in your upcoming project.


Alignment and Proposal

We engage you in collaborative discussions to customize a proposal that is fully tailored to your needs.


You have clarity on the details of the scope, methodology, planning and deliverables. 

Once full alignment is reached, we sign the contract and get ready to start.


Amplify your company impact

Get the ambitious and progressive HR framework your business truly deserves.

Through sustainable HR practices and KPIs, you can measure the impact towards your employees and your ecosystem.



We conduct a post-Implementation evaluation and provide continuous Improvement recommendations for ongoing enhancements of sustainable HR practices.


We stay in touch, discussing long-term support options to help you further and accompany you in your journey.

Read our clients' success stories

"Claire was able to open up avenues that I could not consider on my own."

"I had the opportunity on a personal level to be accompanied by Claire at a pivotal moment in my professional career. [...]
Claire, with her expertise and experience, was able to open up avenues that I could not consider on my own.

This is the whole point of an outside look. Claire's gaze, always benevolent, is also very precise. She was able to make me aware of limitations and allowed me to structure my own responses.


Subsequently, I called on her to support employees in my company. After her intervention, I was able to measure their repositioning and their newfound energy thanks to her.

I recommend Claire for her professionalism, her sense of ethics and the richness of her approach to individuals."


Arnaud, CEO, IT Consultancy

Partner with us to advance your HR agenda

Our plans are flexible, based on your needs

Engage us to review or develop your HR strategy and policies.

Ideal for organizations who already have basic HR practices and policies and want to improve them to create a difference.

We can work on a project base for longer term engagements

You hire us to help you clarify your mission and culture and implement / align your strategy and policies to these. This type of engagement spans over a period of a few months.

HR Services

3,000 SGD

minimum budget

  • Analysis of your needs and recommendation of improvement

  • Design of your turnkey solution

  • Check-ins to measure progress

  • Ready-to-use templates

  • Training of stakeholders

Pricing Plan

Our plans are flexible, based on your needs

Engage us on a need-base approach to review or develop your HR policies.

Ideal for organizations who already have policies and want to improve them

We can work on a project base for longer term engagements

You hire us to help you clarify your mission and culture and implement / align the policies to these. This type of engagement spans over a period of a few months

Best Value

HR Services



Minimum Budget

Valid for 3 months

Analysis of your needs and situation

Recommendations of improvement

Design of your content

Turnkey solutions ready to implement

Training of stakeholders


  • Why is focusing on Sustainable HR Practices important for my business?
    Is there any business that operates effectively without its people? Certainly not. People are not just a part of the business; they are its very essence. Recent disruptive changes – from the Covid pandemic to the advent of automation and AI, generational shifts, globalization, and the growing emphasis on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – have all spotlighted the critical role of HR in ensuring business success. By integrating sustainable HR practices, your business does more than just adhere to ethical standards. These practices become a cornerstone for success, enhancing your company's attractiveness and longevity in an increasingly socially and environmentally conscious world. Remember, your employees are not just your workforce - they are influencers and buyers.
  • How do we measure the success and impact of your Sustainable HR Practices once they are implemented?
    Implementing sustainable HR practices, such as those in leadership development programs or HR compliance consulting, yields measurable and qualitative benefits. Here is how we evaluate their impact: Quantitative Measures: Reduced Turnover & Higher Retention Rates Improved Employee Satisfaction Reduced Absenteeism and Medical Claims Qualitative Impact: While harder to quantify, sustainable HR practices significantly contribute to a more innovative, collaborative, and energetic work environment. These elements, though challenging to measure with traditional KPIs, are critical. They foster a sense of belonging and are integral to leadership development and organizational development consulting. Such improvements lead to a strengthened bottom line, making your business more attractive, productive, and a preferred choice for both clients and employees in the long run.
  • How do you define Sustainable HR Practices ?
    Discussing sustainability often leads to varying definitions, but one fact remains constant: people are at its core. Our Sustainable HR Practices prioritize the integration of socially responsible and inclusive practices into HR strategies, essential for driving positive and meaningful change. Typically viewed as a set of rules and processes for efficient business operation, HR practices encompass much more. With sustainability bringing systemic change, it redefines how businesses attract, engage, retain, train, and develop employees. This shift underscores the importance of sustainable HR practices in fostering leadership development and employee engagement for long-term success.
  • How can we get started with HR Consulting & Advisory services?
    Contact us for an initial discussion on your needs and journey. First, we help you run an audit of your situation based on your strategy and then partner to develop the Sustainable HR practices that will improve your business attractivity, efficiency, and long-term development.
  • What outcomes can we expect from engaging in Sustainable HR Practices?
    Here are some key outcomes you can expect: A Customized Strategy, tailored to your organization's unique needs, values, and goals, that support your global competitiveness. Improved Employee Engagement, leading to a more motivated and committed workforce. Talent Attraction and Retention, making your organization more attractive to top talent. This, in turn, improves recruitment efforts and reduce turnover rates as employees are more likely to stay with companies that share their values. Enhanced Corporate Reputation, making your business more appealing to potential employees, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Measurable Impact Metrics, to allow your business to track progress and demonstrate the tangible benefits of your efforts, especially if you are looking to join the B-Corp or Ecovadis movements. Sustainable HR Practices can lead to a more sustainable, ethical, and resilient business, positively impacting your employees, customers, and the broader community while contributing to long-term success.
  • What is Leadership Development, and why is it important for my organization?
    Leadership development focuses on soft skills leaders and aspiring leaders develop to anticipate, adapt and perform in a changing professional landscape. Effective leadership is linked to your organizational success, contributing to improved performance, innovation and overall success 8 of the 10 skills of the future (What are the top 10 job skills for the future? | World Economic Forum ( are soft skills. Time to invest!
  • What makes your program unique?
    Over time we came to realize a great program, workshop or training is not the one with the best content, but the one that connects best with participants. You can find great content everywhere, but it is harder to get the great experience, the one that will allow participants to think, feel and act differently. That is why we focus on building an *experience* and include not only content that provides new insights and perspectives but interactions, spaces for reflection, before, during and after the workshop. In doing so, we keep our promise of creating the conditions that allow participants to build sustainable and lasting impact.
  • What types of organizations do you typically work with for leadership development programs?
    We work with organizations of all sizes,and all industries, on once off or longer term programs. This allows us to bring to our clients different and enriched perspectives. As we believe in sustainable change and this does not happen overnight, we prefer partnering with organizations that consider us as long-term partners, so we can deliver more value. However, every partnership starts somewhere, so let's get started!
  • Are your programs delivered in-person, virtually, or a combination of both?
    We are equipped to deliver our programs face-to-face, virtually, and in a hybrid format. Adapting to the locations and needs of participants, we ensure maximum impact in our executive coaching and leadership development sessions. Our programs are crafted based on your specific needs and situations, offering great flexibility. This approach means we take the necessary time to tailor and deliver the program most effectively. Engage us early to ensure we can provide the best experience in executive leadership training for your team.
  • What topics and skills are typically covered in your leadership development programs?
    Our sweet spot is on topics around collaboration, communication, multicultural awareness, creation of strong teams, feedback, impactful conversations, empathy (EQ), change, etc... Ask us something and we will tell you if we can do it for you!
  • How can I determine if coaching is the right fit for me?
    Book your free 30-mns call. Chemistry is critical in coaching, so we need to assess first if we are the right pair. We will also discuss your goals so I can advise you on the best approach for you to get results.
  • How long is a typical coaching engagement?
    If you want to achieve transformation and get lasting results, the minimum engagement is around 4 to 6 months. This includes at least 6 to 8 sessions of coaching. I have clients who sometimes only need a couple of sessions to solve a specific problem, but most of the time they are returning clients. When you are on the path to live your best life, you invest in yourself long term.
  • How do you ensure confidentiality in coaching sessions?
    As a ICF certified coach, I abide to the code of conduct of ethics, which can be found here. With my background as an HR professional, I don't take confidentiality lightly. Confidentiality is also the basis of the trust the coach and the coachee build in their relationship, that's a crucial point for getting to the root cause of the challenge.
  • What coaching services do you offer?
    I have coached individuals, teams and groups on a variety of topics. My main focus is on helping you to achieve professional excellence, through career transitions, promotions, solving relationships issues or dreaming about the vision you want to achieve. Because when we are fulfilled in our professional life, we live a better life, for us and others around us.
  • What is coaching, and how can it benefit me?
    Coaching is a professional relationship between a coach and a client, with the goal of helping the client achieve personal or professional development and growth. Coaches work with individuals or groups to set and achieve specific goals, overcome obstacles, and enhance overall performance and well-being. Coaching is a distinct process that differs from counselling or mentoring, focusing on the present and future rather than the past. Through self-discovery, clarity, increased confidence, problem-solving and brainstorming, coaching helps you to achieve your goals and get renewed perspectives in your personal and professional life.
Still have a question?
Claire Kolly, founder of, specializing in executive leadership training and HR sustainable transformation consultancy

Claire KOLLY, Founder and Director

I have spent over 20 years in HR and Leadership Development, during which I have worked in global environments, accompanying businesses through complex development and transformations.


Working across diverse teams and cultural boundaries, I thoroughly enjoyed helping leaders navigate changes, making sustainable decisions for their teams and themselves whilst balancing the short-term and long-term impacts within their organizations. 


In 2021, I founded, a culmination of these experiences. We specialize in HR strategy consulting, leadership development and executive coaching services, helping organizations and individuals commit to doing the “right thing” and advancing the "S" in ESG.


We advocate for sustainable, ambitious and human-centred HR practices, development programs, talent management consulting and leadership coaching. Because when people thrive, so do businesses.

Discover how sustainable HR practices enable your business

From strategy, change management, implementation to defining the right KPIs, you get the HR approach that your business deserves to thrive.


Amplify your company impact

Get the ambitious and progressive HR framework your business deserves.


Through sustainable HR practices and KPIs, you can measure the impact towards your employees and your ecosystem.



Get ahead of the competition

When you know how to attract and retain the Talents you need, you build an HR strategy that is fully aligned with your business goals.


You drive leadership transformations, and ensure it contributes to your overall organizational success.

Deliver on your sustainable agenda

Developing a sustainable and healthy business is not easy. It requires honesty, drive and efforts.


My expertise in addressing the human element helps ensure you don’t get into #peoplewashing: overpromising on the People agenda and under delivering (as we see for greenwashing).

Ignite your leadership to drive positive impact and exceptional results

What's holding you back?

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