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Executive Coaching

Unlock everyone's potential for increased confidence and success

Individual contributors and leaders benefit from executive coaching to resolve their most pressing challenges and explore future opportunities, maintaining a fine balance between professional imperatives and purpose.


Improved confidence, quality relationships and greater clarity pave the way of sustained growth and success.
Some of our Clients and Partners

Do you experience any of the following?

Unlocking your full professional potential requires addressing critical pain points through executive coaching, to become the best version of yourself, for you and for others.

You face challenges in understanding and managing your and others’ emotions, impacting your relationships and decisions

You lack a structured approach that helps you analyse, navigate and act on high stake situations

Your team productivity and collaboration is not optimal leading to frustrations, tensions and challenges, reducing your performance

You struggle with self-confidence or imposter syndrome, impacting your ability to take on leadership roles or pursue ambitious goals

You feel uncertain about your career paths or face challenges during career transitions, making informed career decisions difficult

Empower success with Executive Coaching: unlocking individual and team potential

When individuals and teams gain clarity on their values, motivations, and paths through executive coaching, they are empowered to make the right decisions for themselves and others. This creates a culture of success and a ripple effect of positive impact.

Drive positive change in leadership behaviours and effectiveness is central to executive leadership coaching, enhancing the overall performance of leaders, and creating positive ripple effects through the organization.

Enhance emotional intelligence and develop self-management strategies through executive coaching lead to better-quality relationships and effective leadership.

Identify and address challenges, to contribute to more effective and cohesive teams, leading to tangible results, and fast tracking career success.

Help individuals and teams explore options, assess risks, and make informed decisions that align with their career and organizational objectives through executive coaching.


"For me this is truly Life Changing!"

I can feel a huge difference to my outlook of life, people around me, colleagues, friends, etc. I am really proud of my changes as I have been struggling with these issues for many many years and thought it was impossible to change.


So for me it is truly Life Changing!


I can already see and feel the change with me applying these new beliefs. I still have much room for growth though I am so happy that I am now in control and that it is possible. Finally, I see a light at then end of the tunnel"


Thank you so much Claire. I am so blessed to meet you in my life!


Celine, Program Lead, Pharmaceutical Industry

How we work together to create your executive coaching benefits?

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher


Initial Contact

We set an introductory free meeting to better understand your context, needs and objectives. We also clarify our coaching approach for full understanding.

We never push for an immediate decision and encourage you to come back to us if you wish to proceed further.


Alignment and Proposal

We engage you in collaborative discussions to refine and customize the proposal, so it is tailored to your needs.

It contains the details of the scope, content, objectives & planning.

Once full alignment is reached, we send you our contract.

Our coaching offers cover individual and corporate engagements, for 1:1, team and group coaching.


Amplify your company impact

Our first session serves as a discovery session to work on your values, beliefs, and priorities as well as clarify your specific coaching goals.

After discovery, our packages include 6 coaching sessions minimum. If you are looking for a once-off session for a particular topic, we can also support you.

Throughout the coaching, we maintain an open communication with you, addressing any emerging needs or adjustments.



We conduct a post-delivery evaluation and provide continuous reinforcement recommendations for your ongoing personal and professional development.

We debrief with you at the end of our coaching engagement and love to stay in touch, to continue discussing long-term support options to help you

"I thank myself for the decision to take on this road with her."

Working with Claire was key on successfully take on a high management position.


Based on her vast experience in the corporate world combined with her coaching talent she was able to help me with the challenges I had to overcome in my new position.


I am at a higher level both professionally and personally after 6 months of coaching sessions with Claire and I thank myself for the decision to take on this road with her.


I recommend Claire as a true professional with a lot of experience with a unique approach and a quick understanding of working contexts.


Alex, CTO, Fintech

Partner with us for your next Executive Coaching program

Our plans are flexible, based on your needs, whether you are an individual or an organization

Adaptable coaching offerings based on your needs.

From a once-off session to a holistic coaching approach for an individual or a team, we support you in your coaching journey.

World recognized certifications and ongoing learning guarantee the professionalism of our approach

We hold a PCC certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), CliftonStrengths ® & Hogan® debriefer, Team Coach Foundation from GTCI

Flexible and ongoing support to accelerate your progresses

Because coaching is a journey, we are available in between sessions to help our clients unstuck their situation, brainstorm options and celebrate successes! 

Coaching for Individuals

2,900 SGD
minimum budget

  • 1 free intro call (30 mns)

  • 1 Discovery session

  • 6 coaching sessions (6 months validity)

  • Dedicated platform to accelerate progresses

  • Tools and follow-ups in between sessions

  • [Optional] CliftonStrengths or Hogan debriefing

Coaching for Corporates

minimum budget

  • 1 free intro call (30 mns)

  • 1 Discovery session with coachee

  • Start & End alignment meeting with sponsor

  • Objectives and Summary insights

  • 6 coaching sessions (6 months validity)

  • Dedicated platform to accelerate progresses

  • Tools and follow-ups in between sessions

  • Full administration of the coaching project

  • [Optional] CliftonStrengths, Hogan or 360 debriefing

Still have a question?
Claire Kolly, founder of, specializing in executive leadership training and HR sustainable transformation consultancy

Claire KOLLY, Founder and Director

I have spent over 20 years in HR and Leadership Development, during which I have worked in global environments, accompanying businesses through complex development and transformations.


Working across diverse teams and cultural boundaries, I thoroughly enjoyed helping leaders navigate changes, making sustainable decisions for their teams and themselves whilst balancing the short-term and long-term impacts within their organizations. 


In 2021, I founded, a culmination of these experiences. We specialize in HR strategy consulting, leadership development and executive coaching services, helping organizations and individuals commit to doing the “right thing” and advancing the "S" in ESG.


We advocate for sustainable, ambitious and human-centred HR practices, development programs, talent management consulting and leadership coaching. Because when people thrive, so do businesses.

Discover how holistic coaching is a gift for you and others

Become a better version of yourself through a holistic coaching approach. Create positive ripple effects that help you build a fulfilling life.


Become a better leader

With personalized guidance and support, we help executives identify and leverage their strengths while addressing areas that may need improvement.

This targeted development results in more effective leadership, better decision-making, and improved overall performance.


Develop high-performing teams

We provide strategies to improve team dynamics, anticipate and resolve conflicts, foster a positive work culture, in order to build cohesive and high-performing teams.

Leaders who navigate and manage conflicts effectively, as well as surface the best in their team members, contribute significantly to a healthier and more productive work environment.


Set goals that empower yourself

We help leaders to set and achieve professional and organizational goals. Individuals create actionable plans, stay focused on priorities, and navigate obstacles.

Your coach also serves as accountability partner, encouraging you to follow through on commitments and make the necessary adjustments to reach your objectives.

Ignite your leadership to drive positive impact and exceptional results

What's holding you back?

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