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Advancing Women Leadership with Primetime!


Updated: Apr 20, 2023

When I was asked by PrimeTime Business and Professional Women's Association to participate as a coach and subject matter expert in their upcoming Leadership program in Singapore I said YES right away.

+YES to support more women to become the best leader they aspire to be,

+YES to help them fulfill their leadership aspirations,

+YES to equip them with the right tools and strategies to shine and feel confident in their abilities,

+YES to create a safe space where they can share their experiences with a group of like-minded women.

If you, or one of the female leaders or emerging leaders you know would be interested to know more about the programme, please have a look here ( or contact Patricia Arkenbout, our programme lead.

Looking forward to facilitating this program with other coaches & leadership experts and maybe seeing you there as participants 😊

Spread the word!

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