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What's the link between HR and ESG?

Last week, I was very happy to be able to share with my fellow HR practitioners at EGN Group why HR has a key role to play in the wider ESG community to be prepared for the #futureofwork.

We often tend to forget the "S" in ESG, which is all about social impact, fair employment practices, health & wellness, human rights, labor relations, inclusion, ...the list is long as many topics are directly or indirectly related to HR.

As #1 change agents in organizations, we can advocate for doing the right thing, while preserving and enhancing the business results (every company needs to be profitable, right?).

So to all #HR practitioners, ask yourself:

➡ in 2024, what is it that I can do to advance the #esg agenda through my role ?

Whether it's a top of mind topic for your organization or something you struggle to grasp, you can have an impact!

📢 I love to talk about this rich and ever evolving topic, so feel free to reach out if you are interested to explore more!

Be the change you want to see!

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