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How to Prepare your Performance Review: 5 key tips


I have recently conducted a few workshops to help employees prepare for their annual performance review... yes that is that time of the year!

A few critical elements to look at:

- Prepare yourself ahead of the discussion, don't be caught by surprise. Think about what you have accomplished and more importantly HOW you have accomplished your goals. #softskills are making the difference!

- Link your achievements to the wider strategy of your department and company. Alignment and #impact are key!

- Reflect on what you enjoyed doing most, how you have grown. It gives you clues on your #strengths (where you shine) and how to continue learning for the year(s) to come (#growthmindset)

- Treat the review as a #dialogue, where you can get great insights from your manager as well share how the year felt for you and how you project yourself in the coming year

- Ask something (Yes, I know!)! Beyond the potential promotion / salary discussion, think about what you need to meet your long term #aspirations, what your expectations are and how you can enroll your manager's support to meet them.

In a few words: be in the driver's seat! Wishing you all a great year end conversation. Feel free to reach out if you want to be best prepared!

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